Kerrville, TX, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Viewing, Events

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Home > Things To Do > 2024 Total Solar Eclipse In Kerrville, TX

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Kerrville and Ingram will be in the path of complete totality for the 2024 Solar Eclipse and are predicted to have prime totality times, Kerrville with 4 minutes and 24 seconds, and Ingram with 4 minutes and 26 seconds. The Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau is working closely with area officials to plan for the influx of visitors coming to the Hill Country to experience such a historic event.
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On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will carve a narrow path of totality from southwest to northeast across 13 U.S. states. To experience the total phase of the eclipse, you must be located within this narrow path of totality, with the duration of totality lasting the longest at the centerline. The centerline of the eclipse enters Texas, and the U.S., as it crosses the Rio Grande River at the Mexico-U.S. border at approximately 12:10pm CDT, with totality beginning in that location at about 1:27pm CDT.

As it exits Mexico and enters the U.S., traveling through the Texas Hill Country, the eclipse will have already reached its "point of greatest duration," that singular spot along every total solar eclipse centerline where the duration of totality is longer than anywhere else. That point is also the duration of totality "tipping point," meaning that the duration gradually increases along the centerline up until that point and then starts to decrease on the other side. In other words, for the 2024 eclipse, the duration of totality is all downhill in the U.S., with the longest durations in Texas and the shortest in Maine. Therefore, the path of totality in Texas will be considered a prime viewing destination on April 8.

For more information on the 2024 Solar Eclipse visit
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Photo Credit to the Great American Eclipse and to find out more information at
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