October 12 - 15, 2023Experience the heartwarming embrace of Kerrville's
Welcome Home Fest, a celebration that beckons visitors to become a part of this tight-knit singer/songwriter community. Steeped in warmth, tradition, and genuine hospitality, this festival extends a heartfelt invitation to all to come together and experience the spirit of Kerrville. Welcome Home Fest is a tribute to the rich heritage of Kerrville, where the past and present seamlessly merge. Embrace the charm of local artisans and craftsmen, as they proudly showcase their unique creations. Enjoy the music that fills the air with soulful melodies and lively tunes, connecting people from all walks of life. Renowned musicians and emerging talents take the stage, creating an atmosphere of harmony and unity. Welcome Home Fest is a heartfelt invitation to all, inviting them to experience the ever-blossoming music scene happening in the Kerrville area and create lasting memories. So, join us in this unforgettable celebration, where strangers become friends, and visitors become part of the Kerrville family.